Clorox Healthcare® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectants are ideal for daily use in high-turnover areas. They are designed for use on common hospital surfaces, like plastics and stainless steel, and have been tested against medical equipment.
- Clorox Healthcare® Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Spray is EPA registered for use on soft surfaces.
- Simply spray on and let air dry per label instructions.
- Ideal for use on curtains and upholstered furniture.
Now Formulated for Better Surface Compatibility and Less Residue
- Surface compatibility and residue: Designed for daily use on common hospital surfaces.
- No added fragrances or harsh odors.
- Efficacy: Fast kill times on more than 40 microorganisms, including 13 antibiotic-resistant organisms.
- Value and compliance: Covers greater surface area with fewer wipes, and stays wet for entire contact time.
Fast Contact Times for Fast Room Turnover
- 30 seconds to 1 minute contact times on most bacteria and viruses.
- Study proves an advantage over a leading quat.†
- More EPA-registered kill claims for antibiotic-resistant organisms than PDI® Super Sani-Cloth® wipes and CaviWipes™ combined.
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Contact Dacotah Paper for Pricing 800-323-7583